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Action Center
Fair RETIRE Act (Fair Return for Employees on Their Initial Retirement Earned), S-29
Allow permanently sick or disabled Firefighters to keep special retirement coverage
Official Time Reform Act of 2017, HR 1364
Any day where 80% of work day is spent on Union representational duties would not count toward retirement
PAGE Act (Promote Accountability and Government Efficiency)
Make all Government employees "at will" with no appeal rights, forfeit pensions for felony convictions, eliminate all Union official time. This Bill has not yet been re-introduced into the 115th Congress
Federal Firefighters Fairness Act (Presumption), H.R. 1884
Creates presumptive legislation for certain types of cancer and disease linked to firefighting duties.
Federal Firefighter Pay Equity Act H.R. 4729
Change our retirement calculation to include our regularly scheduled overtime This Bill has yet to be re-introduced into the 115th Congress
Federal Firefighters Flexibility and Fairness Act, H.R. 1363
Will allow increased flexibility regarding trade time agreements
Bill that Allows Conversion of Sick Leave to Retirement Credits Advances
Updated On: Apr 25, 2010

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee approved legislation that would allow employees under the Federal Employees Retirement System to count their unused sick leave toward calculating their retirement annuities. 

The bill also would automatically enroll new federal civilian employees in the Thrift Savings Plan, the government’s retirement investment program. 

The provisions are among several affecting federal employees in HR 1256, the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act. The bill will now head for a vote before the full House

The sick leave provision has long been sought by federal employee advocates who say that the current system, where FERS employees receive no credit for unused sick leave at retirement, encourages them to use up as much sick leave as possible in their final years. This so-called “FERS flu” costs the government an estimated $68 million in lost productivity each year, according to the Office of Personnel Management. Civil Service Retirement System employees already get credit for unused sick leave in their annuities.

International Association of Firefighters
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