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Action Center
Fair RETIRE Act (Fair Return for Employees on Their Initial Retirement Earned), S-29
Allow permanently sick or disabled Firefighters to keep special retirement coverage
Official Time Reform Act of 2017, HR 1364
Any day where 80% of work day is spent on Union representational duties would not count toward retirement
PAGE Act (Promote Accountability and Government Efficiency)
Make all Government employees "at will" with no appeal rights, forfeit pensions for felony convictions, eliminate all Union official time. This Bill has not yet been re-introduced into the 115th Congress
Federal Firefighters Fairness Act (Presumption), H.R. 1884
Creates presumptive legislation for certain types of cancer and disease linked to firefighting duties.
Federal Firefighter Pay Equity Act H.R. 4729
Change our retirement calculation to include our regularly scheduled overtime This Bill has yet to be re-introduced into the 115th Congress
Federal Firefighters Flexibility and Fairness Act, H.R. 1363
Will allow increased flexibility regarding trade time agreements
A Big Win for Local F-147
Updated On: Oct 30, 2009

On June 19, 2009 IAFF Local F-147 filed an Unfair Labor Practice against Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Fire & Emergency Services when the Region announced that our firefighters would no longer be offered light duty assignments when the injury/illness in question was sustained off duty, as guaranteed in our Collective Bargaining Agreement. This ULP was filed after the Region ignored, on two separate occasions, our reminders of the Region’s obligation to follow the correct procedure for re-negotiating, or amending, the article in our CBA that outlines the procedures for light duty. 

The Federal Labor Relations Authority determined that the Region acted inappropriately in this matter on two accounts. First, the CBA, which guarantees us light duty, is a contract between Local F-147 and the base, not Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This means that neither the Region nor its officers may enact policies or procedures that directly contradict our CBA. Secondly, should either of the parties between whom the contract was drafted wish to amend any portion of the contract, the party in question is required to submit a formal request to negotiate to the other party. The FLRA was able to convince the Region that they failed to follow proper procedures and in fact had/has no authority to amend any portion of our CBA. As a result, the Region conceded. On August 18, 2009 I was notified by the District Chief that our CBA will be honored, and light duty will continue to be offered to firefighters who have sustained an injury and or illness either on or off the job. 

We can certainly expect more attacks from Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Fire & Emergency Services on our CBA and our long standing departmental policies and procedures. However, this win further cements our contention that the Region cannot simply ignore or change our Collective Bargaining Agreement, departmental policies and procedures without consulting and or negotiating with the Union. This is a big win for IAFF Local F-147.

International Association of Firefighters
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