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Action Center
Fair RETIRE Act (Fair Return for Employees on Their Initial Retirement Earned), S-29
Allow permanently sick or disabled Firefighters to keep special retirement coverage
Official Time Reform Act of 2017, HR 1364
Any day where 80% of work day is spent on Union representational duties would not count toward retirement
PAGE Act (Promote Accountability and Government Efficiency)
Make all Government employees "at will" with no appeal rights, forfeit pensions for felony convictions, eliminate all Union official time. This Bill has not yet been re-introduced into the 115th Congress
Federal Firefighters Fairness Act (Presumption), H.R. 1884
Creates presumptive legislation for certain types of cancer and disease linked to firefighting duties.
Federal Firefighter Pay Equity Act H.R. 4729
Change our retirement calculation to include our regularly scheduled overtime This Bill has yet to be re-introduced into the 115th Congress
Federal Firefighters Flexibility and Fairness Act, H.R. 1363
Will allow increased flexibility regarding trade time agreements
News Archives

Big Win for F-289, Miramar Paramedics
Aug 23, 2009
 This overtime case involves the claims of paramedic members in IAFF Local F-289. According to the information provided, new hires at Miramar in California are brought on as series GS-640, which is a Health Aid and Technician Series -- and their position description title is paramedic
Federal Firefighter Presumption and Ryan White Notification Merge
Aug 23, 2009

Two long-standing IAFF priorities have been wedded in a single bill, winning approval by a key Senate panel. Legislation granting federal fire fighters presumptive disability coverage for occupational illnesses was adopted by the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs by voice vote, but only after the legislation was amended to include language restoring the Ryan White Notification provision that enables fire fighters to learn if they have been exposed to an infectious disease.

The Federal Fire Fighters Fairness Act, authored by Senators Tom Carper (D-DE) and Susan Collins (R-ME), has long been the IAFF’s top legislative priority for its members employed by the federal government. The bill, S.599, would establish a rebuttable presumption that heart disease, lung disease, certain cancers and certain infectious diseases are occupational illnesses linked to fire fighting. The Committee originally planned to approve the bill last month, but postponed action at the request of Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK), who raised a variety of objections. One of Coburn’s concerns was that the bill should focus on preventing illnesses rather than compensating them. The IAFF met with Coburn’s staff to discuss this concern, which ultimately resulted in action on a second IAFF priority.

The Ryan White Act, a comprehensive law enacted in 1990 to address the spread of HIV-AIDS, originally contained a provision providing for notification to emergency responders who are exposed to an infectious disease while providing patient care. In an apparent oversight, this notification language was removed from the law a few years ago. Working with Senator Coburn’s staff, the IAFF crafted language to restore the provision.

While still objecting to the Federal Fire Fighters Fairness Act, Coburn offered the Ryan White language as an amendment to the bill, and the amendment was approved unanimously.

Carper and Collins both argued for passage of the bill, and they were aided by the strong endorsement of Committee Chairman Joe Lieberman (I-CT). Joining Coburn in opposition was Senator George Voinovich (R-OH), who as governor had signed the Ohio presumptive disability law for municipal fire fighters. Voinovich voiced a number of objections, and urged the committee to consider making changes before the bill reaches the Senate floor.

“Thanks to our many friends in the United States Senate, we made progress on two significant issues,” says IAFF General President Harold Schaitberger. “Our federal brothers and sisters deserve the same coverage for occupational illness that our members in 42 states enjoy. And this victory was made even better by the addition of the Ryan White notification provision, which has provided an important protection for our members for nearly two decades.”


Internet Bill
Aug 23, 2009

See current bill in Treasurer's Report section

Vacation Pick
Aug 23, 2009

Vacation Picks have started for 2nd half 2009. See list in member section.

2009 Alfred K. Whitehead Legislative Conference
May 10, 2009

President Mike Holmes and Mike Cocco are attending the conference, pictures posted in photo gallery and you can watch the key note speeches via webcast at

One of Our Own Receives High Honor
May 10, 2009

Local F-147 member Tim Regan was chosen to receive the honor of being the Grand Marshal at the upcoming St. Patrick's Day Parade in Keyport on March 21st from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.. The parade will start on Broad Street near the high school and end at Fireman's Park on West Front Street. Tim was responsible for starting the parade in 2006 which has now become an annual tradition. Tim will be presented the Grand Marshal Sash in a ceremony to be held at McDonough's Pub on 2 West Front Street in Keyport on March 16th from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. All who are able are encouraged to attend both events to show Timmy your support.

Federal Employee's Proposed 2010 Raise
May 10, 2009
It's been hard to find any daylight between President Obama and the federal employee unions that worked hard to put him in office -- until now. When he released his proposed 2010 budget summary yesterday, the unions were not pleased. The budget calls for civilian workers to get a 2 percent raise while military personnel would see a 2.9 percent bump
Passing of Battalion Chief Mazza's Father
May 10, 2009

 B/C Don Mazza's father passed away this week:

Our deepest sympathies are extended to Chief Mazza and the entire Mazza family.

Viewing for Mr. Donald Peter Mazza will be at Damiano's Funeral home on 3rd Ave in Long Branch NJ. Viewing will be Sunday, Feb 22, from 1300 to 1700.

Funeral Services to be held Monday, February 23, 2009 starting at 0830 at the funeral home and Church Services at 0930 at Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church.


Possible Link Between Illness and Firefighter Uniform Pants
May 10, 2009
  CDC INVESTIGATING FIREFIGHTERS UNIFORM PANTS AS POSSIBLE CAUSE OF ILLNESSSunday, January 11, 2009According to the Palm Beach Post, Boca Raton Fire Capt. John Luca was gutting it out, and it showed. At 41, the veteran firefighter looked used up. His voice was small and hoarse. He slept eight hours a night and woke feeling drained. Luca chalked it up to stress
2009 Raise
May 10, 2009
The House on Wednesday (Sept 24, 2008) approved a bill granting civilian federal employees a 2009 pay raise of 4.2 percent.The chamber voted for the raise as part of the fiscal 2009 Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance, and Continuing Appropriations Act (H.R. 2638) funding government through March 2009
Message from the General President
May 10, 2009

Click the link below to listen to a message from General President Schaitberger regarding the economic stimulus bill recently signed by President Obama

A Big Win for Local F-147
Oct 30, 2009

On June 19, 2009 IAFF Local F-147 filed an Unfair Labor Practice against Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Fire & Emergency Services when the Region announced that our firefighters would no longer be offered light duty assignments when the injury/illness in question was sustained off duty, as guaranteed in our Collective Bargaining Agreement. This ULP was filed after the Region ignored, on two separate occasions, our reminders of the Region’s obligation to follow the correct procedure for re-negotiating, or amending, the article in our CBA that outlines the procedures for light duty. 

The Federal Labor Relations Authority determined that the Region acted inappropriately in this matter on two accounts. First, the CBA, which guarantees us light duty, is a contract between Local F-147 and the base, not Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This means that neither the Region nor its officers may enact policies or procedures that directly contradict our CBA. Secondly, should either of the parties between whom the contract was drafted wish to amend any portion of the contract, the party in question is required to submit a formal request to negotiate to the other party. The FLRA was able to convince the Region that they failed to follow proper procedures and in fact had/has no authority to amend any portion of our CBA. As a result, the Region conceded. On August 18, 2009 I was notified by the District Chief that our CBA will be honored, and light duty will continue to be offered to firefighters who have sustained an injury and or illness either on or off the job. 

We can certainly expect more attacks from Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Fire & Emergency Services on our CBA and our long standing departmental policies and procedures. However, this win further cements our contention that the Region cannot simply ignore or change our Collective Bargaining Agreement, departmental policies and procedures without consulting and or negotiating with the Union. This is a big win for IAFF Local F-147.

Vacation Picks MOU
May 10, 2009

The vacation MOU between Local F-147 and managment has been signed by both parties. A copy of the agreement is located in the contracts section. See President Holmes' letter in Presidents Corner.

Our Deepest Sympathies...
May 10, 2009

Local F-147 regrets to announce the passing of Robert Lee Denegar, brother of Local F-147 member Captain Brian Denegar. Our thoughts and prayers are with Brian and the entire Denegar family in their time of loss. A memorial service will be held on Friday, December 12, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. at the Lutheran Church of the Reformation in West Long Branch. All who are able are encouraged to attend

National Capital Federal Firefighters (Local F-121) Score a Big Victory in Vegas
May 10, 2009
The below resolution was adopted by the convention delegates at the IAFF convention.  This was the first censure resolution of a federal sector chief in the IAFF’s 90 year history. Resolution No. 37COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENT: ResolutionsRe: Censure of Edward G
NSPS Update
May 10, 2009
Pentagon Drops Plans To Convert Union Employees To NSPS Updated On: Oct 01, 2008 (22:27:00) The Defense Department is dropping plans to convert employees represented by labor unions to its new personnel system, at least for now, the program's top personnel official said Monday
Election Results 2010-2012
Apr 25, 2010

Election results for 2010:

Executive Board

President: Mike Holmes

Vice President: Victor Huhn

Secretary: Frank McCleaster

  Treasurer: Jeff Petrauskas

Shop Stewards

Brian Bass

Scott Godley

Mike Donahue

Jeff Fowler 

NSPS Close To Being Eliminated
Apr 25, 2010
The House and Senate Conference Committee working on the DoD Authorization Bill (NDAA) has voted to repeal NSPS.  We remain hopeful that the language will be signed by the President as part of the NDAA.  Getting to this point has been a 6 year battle.  As you may recall, I sat through 30 days of meet and confer with DoD on their NSPS proposals
Federal Firefighter Pay Equity Act Introduced in the House
Apr 25, 2010
H.R. 3186 proposes to fix the flawed method in which our retirement pay is calculated. As we all know, our 38 hours of "OT in Tour" that we work each pay period is not calculated in our retirement pay. We work the hours throughout our careers but because those hours are labelled "overtime" they have never been factored into our retirement
IAFF Facebook Page
Apr 25, 2010

The IAFF has an official Facebook page. Follow link to join, Members must submit an email with membership id number and information to confirm request.

Anti-Union Republican Leadership Proposing to Cut Federal Employee Benefits
Apr 25, 2010

Email Accounts
May 10, 2009

Email account have been setup. Check your email you registered with for login information

LOGIN is first inital and last name (

Bill that Allows Conversion of Sick Leave to Retirement Credits Advances
Apr 25, 2010

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee approved legislation that would allow employees under the Federal Employees Retirement System to count their unused sick leave toward calculating their retirement annuities. 

The bill also would automatically enroll new federal civilian employees in the Thrift Savings Plan, the government’s retirement investment program. 

The provisions are among several affecting federal employees in HR 1256, the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act. The bill will now head for a vote before the full House

The sick leave provision has long been sought by federal employee advocates who say that the current system, where FERS employees receive no credit for unused sick leave at retirement, encourages them to use up as much sick leave as possible in their final years. This so-called “FERS flu” costs the government an estimated $68 million in lost productivity each year, according to the Office of Personnel Management. Civil Service Retirement System employees already get credit for unused sick leave in their annuities.

Page Last Updated: Aug 23, 2009 (14:13:00)
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